Sunday, April 20, 2008

Chapter 9

I made a mistake for the summary for chapter 8. They did not plan to go underground, they just got supplies in case they encountered Morlocks.

In this chapter, the Time Traveller is determined to make it back to the White Sphinx, the Eloi's living place, the next morning. Although it is dark, he takes his matches and little Weena on his arm and continues to hike. On his way, the Morlocks try to take Weena from him and attack him. He lights a fire and decides to rest, hoping that the light will keep the Morlocks away. He suddenly awakes to trees burning around him, Morlocks running blindly into the fire, and Weena missing. He searches frantically for her, killing many Morlocks, but alas, she has either been eaten or burned because he cannot find her. Devastated, he continues to the White Sphinx, this time, with no companion.

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