Monday, April 21, 2008

Imaginary Interview

For this interview, I am interviewing Weena, a character from my book. She cannot really talk intelligibly, but if we could pretend she could, these may be her answers. Also, in this book she dies, but if she had made it home safely and watched the Time Traveller go, this is what she would say.

Me: What was your first impression of the Time Traveller?

Weena: Well, when I first saw him, he was saving my life, so I immediately looked up to him like a hero. He looked a lot different than anyone I had ever seen. For one, he was so tall! He talked kinda funny. He tried to communicate with me, but it didn't work out very well. It was still nice knowing that he cared enough to try though

Me: Why did you start following him?

Wenna: I didn't really have anything better to do, and he interested me. I also felt safe when I was with him, even in the dark. I wanted to help him. I could tell he was looking for something but I didn't really know what, so I wanted to find out.

Me: Why are you so afraid of the dark?

Wenna: Because the Morlocks can see at night. They come and eat my people and take all we have. I have never seen one, but I can hear them. All the older people strongly warn anyone about staying out after dark.

Me: When you first saw the Time Traveller, he was saving you. Why did you need to be saved?
Weena: I was out swimming one day because I love the water. All of the sudden, the current started taking me away. I screamed for help but everyone was too busy. But than before I knew it, there was this strange thing jumping in and saving me.

Me: Where did you think he was from, considering he didn't look like anyone you had ever seen.
Weena: Well, I really had no clue. I assumed he was either just in my imagination or maybe he was from another part of the world. But when I kept following him, I realized he could not be either. Everything he did was so different. I don't even think he could have been from our time.

Me: What do you wish that you could tell him if you spoke his language?
Weena: I would say that when I travelled with him, I felt really happy. Even though we encountered danger, he made me feel safe and secure. I would also wish him good luck. Good luck for whatever he was doing, and whatever he is going to do in the future. I really value him as a friend. I would also say sorry for being scared. I'm just a girl; I don't know any better.

Me: What was your life like before you met him?
Weena: Life was just life. I did the same things everyday: play during the day, sleep and hide at night. I was really happy, but quite restless and bored with my life. I lived in constant fear of the Morlocks.

Me: Do you think the Time Traveller wanted to be in your time?
Weena: I think that he meant to come to my time, but when he did, he realized that it wasn't what he had expected. He got frustrated a lot, and sometimes he would yell at me or any other Eloi. I think what we were searching for was a way back into his time because he couldn't stand ours

Me: Where do you think he is now?
Weena: I think he is somewhere with his own people. I hope he remembers me for forever though. I think he is back with his family, but I'm not too sure about what kind of stuff he would be doing. I really hope that wherever he is, he has found what he has been looking for, and that he will come back one day to see me again.

Me: Do you wish he would have taken you with him back to his own time?
Weena: In a way no, but mostly yes. I mean, my life here is fine, but I'm living in constant fear of the dark. It seems like he wasn't afraid, and I want to be like that. I had such an interesting time with him, and I don't want to forget those days we shared. I would miss my family, but maybe if he brought me back, he could give me a new family. I really hope that wherever he is, he is thinking of me.


Alice Hurston said...

This interview is very good and great creativity!

littlegreenducky said...

Great interview! It sounds exactly like what Weena would say.